welcome one and all

Well welcome all to Ben Greenacre Builder. It’s been a while coming but we finally got there. We have a shiny new website with all the trimmings so newcomers can check it out and friends can pop in and watch the progress of our challenges as new projects happen.

I’m hoping that this blog will be a little insight into what we do on a personal level. Here I’ll be able to post some photos and explanations of new projects….what impresses me, what looks good and I guess a bit of a “watch this space” as buildings emerge and take on a personality and style, and for clients to come and get involved in what is mostly a very personal experience….building a home.

For now I’ll leave you with a clients beach house in Manyana. This home we built was designed by Blair Mullins at ARTHOUSE from jervis Bay as a Holiday Home and it does the job more than nicely. It has amazing Polished concrete flooring, throughout with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (including an outdoor balinese style bathroom) and huge sun drenched decks. The owners of this home have also included some very nice styling to compliment. their home design. enjoy the pics…

So hopefully you’ll pop back in soon as we do have a few little projects happening and therefore, a few things to discuss and show you….coming shortly.

talk soon

Ben Greenacre Builder Huskisson

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